The Skin Deep

Producer & Editor

The Skin Deep is a Brooklyn-based interactive documentary studio exploring authentic connection in the digital age. I was of the first 10 employees at this media startup - and together, we earned an Emmy and a couple of World Press Photo Awards for our work expanding what belonging can look like.

{THE AND} Connection Database

{THE AND} is an Emmy award-winning interactive documentary exploring the dynamics of modern relationships by putting the viewer in the intimate space of real couples.

I produced and edited for this project, leading to collaborations with companies like OkCupid and Murmur. The project reached over 55M viewers across 144 countries, with users spending up to 3 hours exploring the experience. 

The Dig Interactive

The Dig is a World Press Photo award-winning interactive series that shows where you fall on the spectrum of human intimacy.


I produced and edited for this project, examining the future of relationships using interactive web design, data-mining, moving and still images, and intimate audio. The series spans 6 episodes covering asexuality, co-parenting, sex dolls, cyborgs and transgender families. 

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