Let’s Work Together

Want inspiration on how we can work together? Explore my past projects with other visionary brands.


Program & Experience Design

Let’s bring intention to your next project with connection-driven media and design. I’ll curate a mindful experience that rejuvenates you in body & spirit. You’ll see what it feels like to build with wellness at your foundation.

Project Management

Let’s channel ease, consistency, and innovation into your multimedia projects. I mix Agile methodology with a deep respect for the creative process to bring products to life.

Storytelling Consulting

It’s easy to lose sight of yourself to comparison when everyone is starting a new podcast, online magazine, or pop-up. I’ll help you breeze past the fluff to get to the heart of who you are so your media reflects you too.


Need an expert on deep connection to inspire your org? How about a panel moderator who’ll speak to the heart of who we are? I’ll deliver, and in a way that’s sure to spark dialogue and innovation.

Your Zone of Genius | Reconnect With Your “Why” | Individuality for the Community

Not sure where to start?

Tell me about your community and how you want to grow together.